I'm new to blogging.

I have, however, had the pleasure to read quite a few fellow citizen's blogs, each covering different topics from the walk of life.

Why the name, Deputy Sheriff?

I work as a... well, lets put it this way: I spend a major part of my working day on the street driving a certain type of vehicle.

Daily, or at least semi-daily, I find something that annoyes me. Not too seldom it is the behaviour of a fellow driver. Some drivers seem to belive they're always right, ''I'll drive now, the rest of you people will wait''.

Another thing is the way people park their cars.

Beware, you evil traffic villains!

On this blog, I shall put out the registration number of the crooced drivers' vehicles, along with other significant facts, such as the license number of a taxi cab or the vehicle number of a city coach, for example.